Cookie statement

By using our website, you accept the use of cookies. In order to use our website optimally, we recommend that you accept these cookies.

Our website uses cookies to distinguish your usage preferences from those of other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience when you visit our website and also allows us to optimize our website.
However, cookies do not allow to systematically collect data that could identify the users of our website. They only help us to improve the way our website works, to understand the interests of our users and to measure how effective the content of our website is.
We process the cookies anonymously and we take the necessary measures to protect confidentiality.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent by the website and are placed on the hard drive of your computer / device when you visit the website, so that this stored information is sent to our servers again on a subsequent visit.
If you have not adjusted your browser settings, this may allow cookies and our website will place cookies as soon as you visit our website.
We use cookies to collect information about your use of the website in order to make this website work better and more efficiently. The use of cookies is safe. No personal information such as a telephone number or an email address can be derived from these cookies. Cookies are not used for e-mail and marketing campaigns.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website and to provide you with a browser experience that is tailored to you.
Our website uses cookies for:

Improving the quality and functionalities of our website
Measuring the quality and effectiveness of our website by analyzing the website and compiling statistics by means of Google Analytics


Which cookies do we use?

Essential cookies
These cookies are necessary for the website to function.

Functional cookies
These cookies store information about your choices and preferences on a website.

Analytical cookies
Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) for statistical purposes. Google Analytics itself uses cookies to analyze how visitors use the SportStages website. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the SportStages website (including your IP address, time at which you visit the site, the type of browser you use, the pages you consult and the files you download) transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to compile reports on website activity for SportStages. Google may not provide this information to third parties unless Google is legally obliged to do so. Google will not combine your IP address with other data that Google has. By using the SportStages website, you consent to the processing of the information by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above. Based on the results, the website can be improved and you will experience a better user experience.

What kind of information do we collect through the use of cookies and when do we delete it?

When you visit our website and accept all cookies, we may automatically collect the following information about you: your internet protocol address (IP address), set time zone, operating system and platform, information about your visit including the URL that brought you to our website, your country, page response time, how long you visit certain pages, information about your interaction on a page, and how you ultimately leave the page. We keep this data for a maximum of one year.


How do you block cookies?

You also have the option of blocking these cookies via these browser settings. This setting is browser and device bound. If you delete or refuse these cookies, there is a chance that you will not be able to use all the features of the website. Via the links below you will find more information about the cookie settings in the different browsers:
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer


Changes to the cookie policy?

We can adjust this statement over time. As a result of new technology, legislation and regulations, we are obliged to inform you about our activities that affect your privacy rights. Please refer to this page to stay informed of changes


Any questions?

Contact us via privacy @
Use of cookies
Our website uses cookies to improve your user experience. By using our website and continuing to browse, you automatically agree to this and acknowledge our privacy statement and cookie statement.